So... OJ died.

Um. Should I care?

Los Angeles police are still bad at their jobs. Weather their county or city, the cancer exists. They regularly frame black people for crimes and beat the shit out of them, but they can't even bother to handle evidence correctly when a rich guy gets arrested so the evidence is thrown out of trial.

Golly, its like the entire organization should be razed to the fucking ground and something new should be started with absolutely zero input or involvement of anyone even tangentially related to the last 50 years of police work in that area.

Anyway, there is a very good chance that OJ can finally rest knowing that his wife's killer is dead.



  • @Clme said:
    Anyway, there is a very good chance that OJ can finally rest knowing that his wife's killer is dead.

    This makes me very sad that Norm Macdonald is dead.

  • @Clme said:
    Um. Should I care?

    The Goldman's might actually get some money out of his estate... if there's anything left after the IRS is done with it.

  • edited April 17

    @joshy said:

    @Clme said:
    Anyway, there is a very good chance that OJ can finally rest knowing that his wife's killer is dead.

    This makes me very sad that Norm Macdonald is dead.

    Yes indeed. That line definitely made me think of him doing OJ jokes on the old Weekend Update.

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