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  • @Bill said: Tucker Carlson Says Demon Attack Left Him Bleeding In His Bed With ‘Claw Mark’ Scars Personally, I would have looked toward the dogs. I don't think Tucker is OK... Either he's just saying shit for notoriety, or he's really…
    in Headlines Comment by Rufus November 1
  • @Digitalpiracy said: Standards for sanity in public life generally aren't what they were. Remember when all it took to blow your Presidential campaign was to take a bad picture? I think about that a lot, when I see the things that Tr…
  • Even more depressingly... I saw in a comment on a website, earlier in the week, where a the commenter said that he had several family members that believed that the President was directly responsible for the prices of things (gas, groceries, etc.).…
  • @Clme said: Of course! They're fine with his explanation that "He had to make up 'memes' to get the media to talk about him" (Ignoring the fact that he is not a random twixxer shitposter, and what he did was not a meme). I'm also …
  • "JD Vance admits he is willing to ‘create stories’ to get media attention" They'll still vote for him.
  • Seems it's worth (at most) about three bucks. That's a keeper.
  • in FB banhammer Comment by Rufus May 31
  • @Bill said: World's Most Arrested Man Dies At 74 Good for him, living that long while spending so much of his life drunk. The liver of a champion.
    in Headlines Comment by Rufus May 27
  • @Clme said: The best part to me was how the thing didn't even really work. It was just like so many other things they try to demonstrate on QVC! I'm convinced that this thing is simply a training device, or for QVC presenter audi…
  • I was waiting for the video to end with someone yelling, "LIVE FROM NEW YORK, IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT!" "... we call it charcutes in the biz..." ROFLCOPTER
  • @joshy said: Of course, the greatest Rap song ever is still... The downfall of society is nigh, and this is it's harbinger.
  • I enjoyed the "Call Me Maybe" rendition more... Although, I don't like rap... so...
  • in Steaming Ass Comment by Rufus April 18
  • @Clme said: It was real. {groan}
  • That.... that isn't real is it? Please tell me it isn't real... I want it, to not be real...... :-\
  • @Clme said: Um. Should I care? The Goldman's might actually get some money out of his estate... if there's anything left after the IRS is done with it.
    in So... OJ died. Comment by Rufus April 16
  • The media and modern telecommunications (Internet, social media) a key contributor to the crazy. Hard to say if the media is just the megaphone and it's always existed, or if it is so much worse because of it. Chick and egg.
  • Mississippi Judge Gives 10-Year-Old Boy Probation For Peeing Behind His Mom's Car
    in Headlines Comment by Rufus December 2023
  • Police Catch Armed Robbers In The Middle Of A Heist After Someone Steals The Getaway Car
    in Headlines Comment by Rufus December 2023
  • @Clme said: Nice. Any lake-effect snow? Only occasionally... All the lake-effect off of Lake Erie hits Western New York... usually slides South of us. Lake-effect comes off of Georgian Bay, but doesn't quite make it to us. In the l…
  • @Clme said: @Rufus said: I knew someone, years ago, who's dad rode a bike to work year-round... sun, rain, snow... whatever. It wasn't a short right either... 20+ kilometers. Savage. Since your climate is probably even…
  • I knew someone, years ago, who's dad rode a bike to work year-round... sun, rain, snow... whatever. It wasn't a short right either... 20+ kilometers. Savage.
  • in Headlines Comment by Rufus July 2023
  • Tax Cuts Are Primarily Responsible for the Increasing Debt Ratio Saving this for the next time someone moans about the Dem's unwillingne…
    in Headlines Comment by Rufus May 2023
  • Men cannot give birth Guns don’t kill people; people kill people Discriminating against white people is racism I hate how the right will say these things to justify their position, because they are superficially true. They aren't used for…
    in twitter 2023 Comment by Rufus May 2023
  • Would you hit that?
    in Headlines Comment by Rufus May 2023
  • @filious said: Any idea if the person that made the 2019 decision is still there? Have you asked them how that crow tastes? The two people instrumental are gone... One is on long term disability (stress or something like that) and th…
  • How it started: Niagara Region terminated my employment in January 2019, over the court management software I made, that they didn't want to support and wanted a vendor to replace. How it's going now: I'm about to sign a contract with the Niagara…
  • @Clme said: He had a troubled past, but by most accounts he managed to turn that around in the 80s. He talks about this in the most recent documentary about him. He acknowledges that he wa a terrible person to be in a relationship with, a…
    in Headlines Comment by Rufus May 2023
  • I rolled my eyes every time Dad put one of his records on (all of which I now have in my vinyl collection), but I do like a few of his songs. Those songs, his career and his quintessential "Canadian-ness" made him a Canadian institution. Canadian cu…
    in Headlines Comment by Rufus May 2023